Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Current Events

Penny gave me a surprise visit this weekend. She acted like a tourist, as I showed her around the city. We had a lot of fun, and walked a lot. A lot. Exhaustion. And we saw one of the best movies created in the 1950s: "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?". Utter genius. I laughed so hard I snorted during the film, and Penny cackled.
And we did everything a tourist in NYC should do, ever.
We made a small cameo at Brazillian Day, too.
I even made 2 men walking dogs that I was a foreigner with very broken english as we walked towards the UN. The conversation was something along the lines of "Uh, scusay, U-N?" "Ohh....YOU. GO. UP. TO. THAT. BIG. BUILDING. OVER. THERE." (Mind you, they're flailing their arms around, trying to further excentuate their words.) "Oh! Sank yooh!" Priceless, and imagery galore.

But, alas, it's been pouring a lot lately.

Aaron and I concluded to take a walk around Central Park last night. That was a pleasant gallavant.

Otherwise, classes started today, and I will definitely have my work cut out for me. To write a lovely list of my enjoyable business classes: Business Law, Managerial Accounting, Consumer Behavior, Int. French, and Economics of Global Business. Start squealing with delight, boys and girls. This semester will be full of rainbows and chocolate-covered cherries. And lots of sarcasm. At least most of the professors seem to have personality, so I should enjoy myself somewhat.

I miss certain people.

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