Friday, November 30, 2007

I Had A Dream Last Night

It was a really strange dream, too...
There was a lot of different things that happened that had no relation with each other.
I do know that I was trying to light something, like a candle or something, and ended up lighting myself on fire. I dove for the ground, and it wasn't a problem after that.
My cousin-in-law apparently befriended an alligator in London, in my dream. But somehow he ended up getting knocked unconscious, in a sewer. The alligator tied itself to him and pulled him out of the sewer, only ended up in Paris. So my whole family and I were all worried sick about this cousin and where he was, and we kept calling his cellphone, but he didn't pick it up. So I drove to Paris with my mom, and we kept finding then losing him and the alligator. We ended up at Hotel de Ville (which was a pink depot...very pretty...), and losing him again, and I started ranting in French. My army of former roommates all of a sudden were there, and throwing a party, so I left.
I thought I had found him, but instead I ran into my friend Billy (now we're in London again). So I talked to him for a second before his wife (that he doesn't really have) came over.
Then somehow I went into some random famous woman's house, where someone brought us to their secret basement, where there was a tiger and a warehouse of read books, fashion-designed articles of clothing, and....lots of other things. I think I was hiding, but I'm not quite sure. By this time in the dream, I had no idea what was going on...

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