Friday, November 23, 2007

Holiday Weekend

So for Thanksgiving weekend so far, I haven't done much.
I came back to Mass.
I ran a 5 mile race (Feaster Five, Matt Damon ran in it.) with my dad and sister. Dad and I ran together. It was a lot of the time uphill, which really pissed me off. But we did pretty well. 10 minutes per mile, really. It was actually quite a bit of fun! At the end, we got a medal, some water, bagels, fruit, and pie. Each. They're outrageously bad for you, too! But it was fun enough for me to want to do it again. Aimee came in after us, but still did really well.
Afterwards, I helped Mom cook. And I napped.
We ate the normal meal. Of course, we ate a bit too much. Aimee and I shared a bottle of Merlot. It was a good meal. I won't have to eat ever again.
Watched Legally Blonde the Musical online, and was quite pleasantly surprised.
And I wrote a paper. And cleaned the kitchen/dishes.

Today we went to see Enchanted. It was quite funny! I actually really enjoyed myself! So many jokes that anyone who knows anything about NYC would love. And it made fun of Disney a whole lot. I highly recommend it.
I talked to Scott on the phone for a little bit, and it made me really happy.
I also talked to Lorena on the phone for a while, and she kept telling me to visit her in Lima, but I just have no money for it right now.

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