Friday, July 28, 2006

Girls' Night

First things first...
I went to the ENT yesterday for an allergy test. I was sooo nervous, thinking it was going to be all bloodwork and stuff. If you have ever heard of my past experiences with needles in some blood-taking events, you'd know why I'd be dreading it so much.
I get into the room, and the lady tells me that I'll have 32 scratch tests on me. Oh lord, 32 tests? Are those needles??? No, to my pleasant surprise, I didn't need any blood taken, or any needles going through my skin. Basically, they take these little plastic ends and roll them on your arm. Not too bad. But my arm was as itchy as all hell for 20 minutes. That means I'm allergic to something.
Results: I'm allergic to 1 type of grass, 3 types of weeds, and 1 type of tree. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm allergic to plants. Plain and simple. And these allergic plants of mine happen to be very popular in the New England region. The best part is that these plants all blossom at different times of the year, so the only months where I'm not allergic are January through March...which is when cold season starts. YESSSSSS....

Shivangi came over with a bunch of Indian herbs and whatnots to make soup with. I can't remember the exact name of the soup, but it was simple and easy. While we were attempting to cook, and manage a pressure cooker that was slightly broken, Penny came over. And Dominique, whom I haven't seen in probably a year or so, showed up, too! It was like a family reunion!
We finished the soup and, upon inspection, concluded that it was safe to eat. It was gone within 5 minutes, as was half a loaf of hearty grain bread.
Upon the fiasco that happens when us girls get together, we giggled and talked like a bunch of high school girls all over again. It was really nice to be with a bunch of girls that know me too well and be all girly for a while. I haven't laughed so hard in a while.
Penny decided to make us all lie on the floor and take pictures. It was an hour of rolling on the floor laughing, not understanding the correct legistics of taking pictures upside-down. We wanted one picture....we ended up with 59. Amazing.
I'm glad to have girlfriends like that, where we cannot for the life of us be awkward or uncomfortable with each other. It's the kind of thing where you feel like life is, in fact, a movie.
I posted all of the pictures of the night on my Webshots. Feel free to laugh out loud at us, because Lord knows we're still laughing at ourselves.

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