Tuesday, July 18, 2006

"Due to Extreme Heat"

I got a new camera. I'm very excited about using it, but I need to find my SD card, first...

Yesterday was hotter than a solar flare, I swear. It was the kind of intollerable heat that makes you feel like there HAS to be some way out of the suffocating air before you tragically realize that there is, in fact, nothing of the sort. Seeing as Buck is A/C-less, it was a very long day...

I came home from the gym to discover that the electricity in our house/neighborhood/town was non-existant. Apparently, by the end of the night, all of the towns in the Essex county were having electricity failure, due to "extreme heat". If there's anything that should be published in a book of the 21st-century's silliest concepts ever, I think that would be a legitimate placer.
Without the A/C or lights in the house, I paced for about an hour, having quite a heated argument (no pun intended) with myself about whether or not it was worth opening the fridge & potentially ruin certain produce so I could make a non-stove dinner. It's sad that the only things I could find in the house to eat without the need of a stove or a toaster were in the fridge. I couldn't even use a toaster!

My logic won, and I headed out to buy some pre-made dinner at Wild Oats, our nearby organic grocery store. Settled for some sushi. Stayed in the store at a bench and read while I took over an hour to eat my packaged raw fish.
I return home late in the night and, much to my dismay, discover that the electricity is still missing. Dying mobile in hand, I grabbed a flashlight and read some more.

Shivangi came over to the house and force-fed me a Bertucci's desert, which did not make me feel so good in the end. We discussed the universe, our solar system, the existance of God....all light-hearted topics for a hot & muggy night, methinks. And thus, the end of a far too long day.

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