Last Saturday I had a bit to do. I woke up and met up with Andy for a lunch date. We went to the wonderful Veselka and caught up. It's so nice to see my little boy all grown up and at med school now! The talk was full, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I had to cut it short (so did he...) for a business meeting.
The business meeting was...not so fun. We have to write a 20-pager about the book industry. That my story about that.
I ran home to meet up with Aaron, who came over to make dinner with me (my concoction, as usual) and watch "À Bout de Souffle". VERY French movie. I thought it was alright, classic indeed, and I think he liked it, too. We talked a bit, but he ended up having to leave to work and I had to get ready for the night's festivities.
So, it took me about 40 minutes to get ready for the Halloween party that Mariam held. Deej was a ghetto carrot, and I was a motorcyclist (see image). A tight, spandex 1-piece, and a mask of makeup? Not my normal getup. Walking around Manhattan in that outfit was life changing, indeed.....a good group of men were eying me and occasionally made some forward comments to me. Flattering, sure, but also petrifying (if you're me). The entire way to the party, Deej was all smiles because of the outfit, and I was griping the entire time, regretting my outfit choice.
The elevator in the building, we met up with 2 other kids from our law class. Henry didn't even recognize me, and started introducing himself to me, when I said, "Henry! It's Kim! I'm the one behind you in law! You know me!" And his face slowly changed to shock, and replied, "KIM?!" This happened a lot that night, actually, mostly the guys had a problem. Apparently I was completely unrecognizable. More makeup, perhaps?
We got to Mariam's, and it was PACKED with costumed kids. Lots and lots of kids. Think a big drinking party in a frat house, only in a girls' apartment in the middle of NYC. It was really crazy! I didn't stay very long because I promised some other kids to go to a pub that night, but when I was there, it was pretty nuts. A highlight of the evening was when Deej and I started dancing to the music playing, and Henry (same guy) wound up and slapped me in the ass! In the middle of the song's lull. Really hard! Everyone in the party stopped and looked! Lots of pain. That was pretty ridiculous. I ran away quickly after.
I went to the pub to visit the music kids, and wasn't there very long. But they thoroughly enjoyed the outfit. Pictures were taken, obviously, and walking home was full of men offering to me. Fun fun fun.
Sunday was tiring. Chambers practice, dinner, called mom, and had a business meeting. Though, this was a fun meeting. We didn't end up doing any work, but we all got to hang out and get to know each other more, which was great! Really bonded with them all. And to boot, I got some Wendy's on the way home. Breaking rules left and right!
Aimee ran her first marathon and FINISHED it that day, too! I'm soooo proud of her!
Monday was fine. Just classes. That's about it.
Yesterday, I was running around a bit. Yoga was particularly hard, actually. Classes were boring like always.
I had a French Internship workshop to go and listen to. Basically, they were telling us to apply for internships in France. Not very thrilling. Afterwards, I went to the law party at Murphy's and Gonzalez (Irish-Mex restaurant and pub.....weird!) and talked with Denysha for a little bit before heading home.
Christina came over for a little bit to try on one of my costumes I had for Halloween. We had a fun time for about an hour goofing off. She's a sweetheart, and a senorita for the parade! Appropriate, since she's Spanish.
Today is Halloween; HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Stern had a party where I ate pizza and candy (healthy) for free. Neil came over for a bit so I could put some makeup on him (he's a gothy girly boy...) I am now ready to get on my outfit, prepared....
1 comment:
What makes you think this little boy is grown up? Silly hooker ;)
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