But, no...I have to start with Halloween...that far behind...
So, Halloween ended up being interesting. I was on my way to meet up with Danie and Rhea at the Parade, when Lauren called me and asked where I was. So, I grabbed Lauren, and we went out to meet the others.
By the time we got to the parade, it was absurdly crowded (surprise surprise)! We huddled in the mass of people for about 20 minutes before thinking twice and deciding we had better ways to enjoy ourselves. We went for a walk NOT on 6th Ave, instead. We still saw a LOT of interesting ensembles, so I think it was an even better choice. We checked out people, they checked us out, it was a very observational time.
We went to get some tea and chai before continuing our walk. Danie and Rhea decided to go home early, though, so Lauren and I opted to view people at Union Square. As we're walking around, I hear some people speaking good, strong French behind me. I swing around and say, "Who's speaking French?!" to find this rather good-looking guy (from Haiti) staring at me. "Tu parles francais?" He responded, "Bien sur..." And the conversation went off from there. His name's Johnsy, from Haiti/Paris/Geneva. Really, pick a place. His friend (whose name still isn't known) is also from some French place. We talked a bit in franglish before exchanging numbers and Lauren and I walking towards Whole Foods.
As we turn the street to get there, this guy comes over to inform us that he has to go to party, but has to bring to good looking women with him. We say sure, where' the place, he says Hayden Hall. An NYU freshmen dorm. Lauren wants to give it a go, so I say OK, and we tell him we'll met up with him there. We end up walking to the dorm, sitting outside realizing how much we don't want to go, and then when he gets there, we tell him sorry and scoot out. Man, that area was BUSY, too!
Lauren and I ended the night with grocery shopping at Whole Foods. Very nice. Completely empty, too!
Thursday was busy! Yoga was really cold and windy, so it was half outside, half inside. I had a midterm in OM that Danie and I studied (aka crammed) for beforehand while lunching. Took the test, and actually finished early! Then I ran home to bake Funfetti cupcakes and homemade icing for Danie's birthday dinner. I ran up and down these stairs so much that day, because we didn't have the right things to bake it, or I needed this or that...lordy! I had to run back to class, too!
So, I went to Danie's dinner party, and ate absolutely everything that came in my path! It was hors d'oeuvres, so it was easy to eat too much. I didn't know most of the people there, but I enjoyed my time with the girls I did know. We babbled, and I bonded with them all and the food. Danie pulled out the martini shaker and tried to make martinis. I only had one because they were far too strong for me to really enjoy. We also had a few hours of pure fun with Catchphrase. Most of them were a bit drunk, so it was a slow, yet hilarious, endeavor.
As I was waiting for the SafetyRide to pick me up, Matt (from the film shoot) called me up to ask me something. We ended up talking for a long while about a lot of things! It was really a great talk, I enjoy his company a lot. I went to bed late.
Yesterday I had a great run! That being said, Johnsy (yes, that guy) called me to hang out that night, and I said alright. Dates are always interesting, right? Then I basically did not much until I had to get ready to go out with him. He calls me, and I realize he's got his friend with him. Blessed be Lauren, I call her up begging to join me in making this not unusual, and she said "alright", despite being kinda tired and hungry. We got cookies beforehand at Whole Foods, anyways, so she was contented. We met up with the boys and encouraged them to get just hot cocoa, not go to a bar. They agreed, and we had an interesting conversation for a few hours about a lot of random things.
Our little café closed, so we all decided to try the hot cocoa in Max Brenner's (how COULD you go wrong?!). The guys LOVED it, and we split a chocolate waffle, too! Though, I'm not really sure how I feel about them. They're not exactly guys I'd normally hang out with, but that's what makes them interesting. One seems to have a sweet tooth for one of us, and that makes it a little more interesting, but a little more of a red flag goes up when they talk than normal.
We ended the night with an awkward end; it was Johnsy's birthday, and his friend was harassing me to give him a kiss, which I didn't want to do, so I didn't. Lauren and I stayed up talking for a few hours before I went to bed.
Today, now, this is the day that was pretty awesome.
So, Thomas (a Frenchy...I gotta start putting numbered tags on them or something...) was in the city today, and asked to have lunch with me. OF COURSE I would! He's darling, I love that boy! So I met him at the Met and we ended up going to this French Resto that I stumbled upon on the way to the Met. The waiters were French, the food was French, we spoke in mostly French....it was great!!! I had such a nice time talking with him, venting to him. He even told me that he thinks I'm becoming bilingual (which isn't true, but aw!).
After lunch, we went to the Met and had a LOT of fun in the Modern Art exhibit. Thank goodness for French; we were talking mostly in French about the art, not necessarily in a good way....but it was so much fun! And some of the art I actually liked!
Now, here's when it gets ridiculous...
As we're walking out...we're walking towards the exit...with hundreds of other people (seriously, everyone was there...)...and I'm talking to Thomas...I realize that there's a man whose stopped dead in his tracks and is staring right at me. I'm thinking, "Who's this guy staring at me? He's kind of cute...wait...he looks familiar........" It was, who else, but José-Louis! One of the other Frenchies in my life! He just HAPPENED to be in NYC today, in the MET of all places, at the same time as us! You can't get more movie moment than that. It was ridiculous. I was just kind of gawking for a few minutes before fully functioning. Two of my Frenchies meeting in the Met of NYC, speaking French...sooooooooo WEIRD! So, Thomas passed me off to José.
José and I walked around for about an hour in the Armory exhibit and chit chatted. A day full of French! And so he ended up coming back home with me to help me with my laundry before the Laundrette closed. We agreed to hang out for the night. So, as he was there, Aaron called and agreed to meet up with us. So, I had two tall guys who could barely communicate to each other helping me with my laundry. It was awesome.
So us 3 agreed to go out for dinner at VP2, my favorite. The funny thing was that the waitress and I were having huge communication problems. She misunderstood my appetizer request, so we ended up getting an appetizer for free, and then she got Aaron's chicken dish for beef, and I got my salad dish as a meal dish (difference - lack of veggies) instead. She must have hated us by the end of the dinner.
So, the boys and I crawled over to the L to go to Bushwick to see my dear Sam's comedy sketch. Bushwick? Sadly. As soon as we got off of the subway, though, I felt like I'd been there before....and we're walking to the place, and I'm feeling more and more aware of where I am. When we turn the street, I start laughing hysterically; this show was in the same exact building that Alex K. lived in when I was a freshman, the place I have so many traumatizing memories at! We had to go into this shady basement of the building to find out that Sam's show was over (missed it by at least an hour), and that it'd turn into this dance party of sorts. I saw Sam, exchanged love, and we scooted out before we were in Brooklyn for 30 minutes.
1 comment:
And I'm sure there were probably still a few crackwhores wandering around in their underwear from the underwear party Alex K had all those years ago ;)
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