Wednesday I had Senior pictures, which took all of 5 minutes to make. He just told me to move, I moved, he shot the photo, repeat 3 times, I'm out. Simple, yet pricey.
Afterwards, I ran to an audition (dinner in hand, of course) for this guy who wants to be in Chamber Singers. He was unprepared, though sight read like a champ, and was not very knowledgeable on classical music at all, it seems. He was willing to sing show tunes, but we wanted to hear America the Beautiful, which he didn't know (and yes, he was American). He is surely a project, and I vetoed him joining the group straight away. Though Christina seems to want another project...
Thursday was fine. Chambers and I had a fun "after party" of sorts at Max Brenner's. Practice was great, of course, but I really enjoyed the dessert. It was really super complicated at Max Brenner's, though...I made a reservation for 15 (the minimum there is 15 anyways), but sadly about 4 of them canceled on us last minute. I let them know that, and they said it was fine. We got there, and they start giving me crap about how we have a $300 minimum tab, now, for the inconvenience. I told them that I was not informed that it would be a problem, so they lowered it to $20 per person. Not everyone wanted that much stuff, so I went to argue with the manager for about 10 minutes. The bastard didn't budge, "No, the policy is $20 a person, we're sorry we didn't inform you, but we only keep reservations for 15+." I got it, thanks.
Thank GOD the waiter was simply wonderful, and he treated us well AND talked the manager down a bit more at the end of the night, when no one could spend anymore and we weren't at our "minimum" price yet. Let me tell you, though........to keep the resto happy, I ordered more chocolate than legally allowed imported to the states....I had a chocolate crepe, a chocolate shake, and ended with a chocolate martini. All super dark chocolate of course, too. I've never been so HIGH on chocolate in my life!!!
Lauren joined us for the night there, and afterwards I went to hang out at her place for the night. We talked a lot about spirituality, our purpose, men, cooking....all extremely girly things. But it was glorious and I really enjoyed myself until I went home late.
Friday night, I ended up hanging out with Aaron. We went for a walk around the West Side Highway, but I was starving and forced him to get Indian with me in the West Village. I was also waiting for Marion to get into the city. She met up with us at the end of dinner (of which, at the time, Aaron and I were in an argument about the presidential candidates). Walked around for a while, then ordered Insomnia Cookies for a midnight snack (menage-a-trois: Oatmeal Raisin, Chocolate Chunk & M&Ms are AMAZING). Aaron and I cuddled before he left, and us girls went to bed.
Saturday night, I hung out with Nate and his friends. We met up at midtown at this tapas bar called Divine Bar. We all ended up hanging out with 6 of his high school friends (many now think I'm a harp player and a music major....), I drank a nice fruity beer, and we left early to go to a more cozy bar nearby. It was a fun night, I love his friends (some of them are hilarious), and Nate and I split a cab back home after a long night.
I wake up Sunday morning to find many message from Nate freaking out. It so happened that the tapas bar overcharged him by $500...leaving him completely broke, and somehow missing his ID and metro card. So, the morning started with me researching how to get a hold of people to fix this mishap (which, luckily, was solved finally). I went to an intimate Chambers practice, which was followed by us all going out for Vanessa's Dumplings and some dessert at Sundaes & Cones. Both excellent choices, by the way! We had a lovely time killing some time with each other, and we had a fun little discussion in WSP. Marion came home from Philly (since she was there for a day), and we watched "Je vais bien, Ne t'en fais pas" together. Really, really sad movie!
Monday was lowkey, but Nate called and let me know that at 7:30 we were getting together for dinner, and afterwards retrieving his license. It so happened he left his license in the cab of the nicest cabby in the world, who called his mother to get his cell phone, and made plans to give him back his ID. So, we ate at Piola, grabbed some Ben&Jerry's, and waiting for about 1.5 hours for the cabby to show up with the ID. Nate hugged the guy, but the guy kind of freaked out and flew away.
Let's see....I got to go on a Norwegian cruise ship, the MS Fram, Tuesday morning! My boss was supposed to go, but she was in England, so I took her place. Most of the time I was just signing in press for the press event on the ship, but I got a tour of the GORGEOUS ship and a free lunch to boot! The guys who work in the NY office for this Norwegian company are great, and we bonded for a few hours (one of them was rather cute, though a bit out of my age range). I even got to hang out with a few Norwegian girls, which was refreshing!
Sadly, I was rejected from a Stern trip to Costa Rica (that would have worked with nonprofits there). I am pretty sad about it, but I'm thinking about spearheading my own thing, now. Who knows?
After all of my classes, I went to FIAF to watch a screening of "Reines d'un jour". It was SUCH a French movie! Really ridiculous, almost formulaic....and so silly!...but regardless I enjoyed myself, and thought in French the whole way home. It was absolutely pouring out, which made it a bit of a challenge to make it to and from the subways.
Yesterday I actually talked to a lot of my Paris friends: Liisa, Peter, and Pierre (of all people). Peter told me that he came online just for me, so I better stay online to talk to him. Pierre was on his way to go to Norway for holiday, so it was a brief chit chat with him.
Last night Aaron came over for a bit, and we hung out. Otherwise, I didn't do too much.
Today will be interesting, I'm sure. A career fair in between classes. Chamber practice. And Aaron and I are going out afterwards.
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