Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I Made Beef For Dinner

Buck, my car, is broken. Very broken. It still works, yes. But, one of my parents put a dent in one side, and my mom last night somehow scraped the right-hand rearview mirror off of the car. Well, it still hangs by a few wires, but it's no longer functional.
I would like to note that my car is in worse shape (and has been damaged more) with my parents driving it around than with me. I'm a youth, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Today I had an interview with Lattitude, a media marketing research company, for a summer job-ish thing. I really, really liked it there. Totally wonderful atmosphere, and they do something that actually interests and excites me! Oh, and one of the guys working there is fresh out of college, and looks like that punk-rocker in "Bring It On". Soooooo cute, was I gawking? And he was wicked nice, talked to me for an hour.
Crossing my fingers.

Fred, my computer, is also broken. I was dumb enough to not realize that a virus was passed on from some other computer to mine. Craig tried to fix it all evening. It still has some issues. We may have to erase my computer's memory. I'm devastated.
Worked out at Fitness for You. Going back to the Y probably.

Life here in the burbs is.......quite compelling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear, how on earth could you have unprotected surfing with Fred? Bad girl!!

If Craig or any other puter savvy person has a copy of Norton Antivirus or something, try and do a virus scan in DOS if the computer can at least turn on...
