I'm fine.
I've been very, very busy lately.
If I haven't announced already...Fred, my laptop, has died. He was a good laptop. Struck with a terrible cancer that kept him bedridden for weeks. I'll miss you, little buddy.
I am eagerly awaiting a new MacBook (thanks to James' advise). Oh, frabscious day!
I have been trying to fight a $300 additional fee to my speeding ticket in NY State. Those Oneonta court employees are a terrible people, and are making my life hard.
Aaron and I went to the Museum of Natural History on Friday. Though he claims to be mostly vegan (or low-impact, whatever), he ate a full plate of pulled pork at the museum, before our tour of all 4 floors. He should have known that he would feel sick the rest of the time. Nonetheless, we had a joyous day. Lots of sights to be seen in that museum. I dragged him to an astronomy show called "Cosmic Collisions", narrated by Robert Redford. It was well done, and once again I am questioning why I didn't major in astrophysics.
We walked through Central Park to get to the Guggenheim, where we saw a bunch of architecture from Zaha Hadid. I'm not much of a buliding buff, and we strolled through the museum quickly. And he moaned and groaned the entire way down. I had a good chuckle at that.
That night, I went out with some girlfriends for my friend Azadeh's birthday. We ate at a very chic restaurant (Mercer Kitchen). We were all decked out in makeup and heels. It was a good night. We walked over after dinner to watch the Woody Allen movie "Scoop", which I actually enjoyed more than I thought I would. Scarlet Johannson is a gem. And Hugh Jackman is............marvelous. The movie ended around 2:30, so I got home late.
On Saturday I exposed Denysha to sushi, which she hestitantly explored. It took a lot of cajoling that the eel really wasn't that frightening. It was wonderful sushi. The last person I took to that restaurant was Ido, and that was a while ago, so it was nice to revisit it.
Afterwards, we went back to my place so she could see it. We finished off pints of ice cream/frozen yogurt, and we watched a chick flick. We also ran into a post-college frat-like party on my roof! I wanted to show her my view, and we get on the elevator with a bunch of men in their late 20s/early 30s, sipping beers or cradling hard liquor. They made a few passing smartass comments, and to our horror the number of them multiplied by 10 or so. And the music was, well, a conversation starter.
Sunday I went to school and studied and started watching "Clockword Orange" in the Avery Fischer Center.
Oh, I have become a jogger/runner (which I fully blame James' influence on). The ellipticals are not sufficing my need for sweaty shirts, so I have started to utilize the treadmills at Coles. It makes me sad and I miss going backwards.
Otherwise, uneventful.
::shivers of horror::
::shivers of horror::
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