Friday, August 25, 2006

The More You Know

The Bad News - I failed at making a stir fry. A stir fry!
The Good News - I have learned one of the key distinctions between stir fry and stew: tomatoes. Ladies and gentlemen, if you do not wish to slurp your stir fry, do yourself a favor and omit any tomato ingredients from the recipe.

Yesterday my boss at job #2 took me and my 2 other coworkers out for lunch. We went to Lee Chen's down the road from the office. It's a cute little sit-down Chinese restaurant, more upscale than a buffet, not so fancy that you can't wear jeans. And the food is very good. I got steamed stuff, and wonton soup.
It's funny because my coworkers are no less than 10 years older than me. All of them. So, here I am, eating lunch and talking (more listening than talking, actually) with these much older people, as if I'm their equal of some sort. I felt very old, yet terribly young à la même fois. I was kind of suspended in this quasi-reality all lunch. Then back at work, all was normal again.
The day before at job #2 the office (Michelle's) I work in had file boxes taking up all of the extra space. The file storage company came in a few days earlier, and the boxes were all gone by yesterday. It was kind of sad; the boxes made the office more busy looking. I joked with Michelle at how she could have used the boxes to make a wall in front of her desk as a in the French Revolution. She could wear a berét and the ruffled french bourgeoisie outfit, look over the side of the boxes, swear in french, throw something at people outside of the office, and then hide again behind the wall. She laughed at the idea. Probably because she would do it, if she knew french...and had the hat.

Late last night (by late, I mean 10pm....because I'm an old working woman) Shivangi, Vivek, Nimesh, and 2 other people I don't know came over. We decided to join up Erin & Jesse (and other kids I don't know) at Erin's house for a bonfire. At first, Vivek didn't quite understand that "bonfire" doesn't necessarily mean (for us suburban preps) riots and hillish mounds of stuff being lit on fire. He's a BU student, cut him some slack, right?
We got there and made smores in the campfire and talked. We talked about Bob Sagat, Pluto's demotion to a "dwarf planet", tea, war, college, and other assorted joys. We were kind of loud, but no one told us to quiet down. It was a nice night, fire and all.

Today is my last day of work. Thank goodness!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dahling....I could have told you that. Juicy suckee fuckee tomatoes do not, a dry stir fry make.