Friday, July 21, 2006

Un Vieux Ami

So, I'm diligently working on Wednesday at my desk, doing some kind of data input or mail sorting or something hideously dull, when my mobile rang. Now, normally I get upset when I hear my phone ring ("No phone, no phone, I just want to be alone today..."), but I decided to pick it up instead. To my utter surprise, it's my good old friend from Nice, Arthur! He called to tell me he was back in America for a few more days, and wanted to see me before he left! We-he-he-ll, don't I feel super special? So, we planned to met each other after I had work at Stephen's Memorial Library to go get some tea or something.
I didn't even recognize him at first.
Same height, but he looked tired. And he had hair...not to mention in an interesting hairdo. But when I got closer to him, he was same old Arthur.
I was surprised because for some reason I thought he was going to speak really broken english, which is how he was most of the time he was here. But his english was excellent, and he was TALKING! Lots! Now, for those of you who may have ever met Arthur know he's not one to talk a whole lot, but when I was hanging out with him, I let him dominate the conversation...he had a lot more to say than I did!
We went to Starbucks, grabbed some green teas, and just talked. Some of it was silly, some of it was profound, some of it was small talk. It was a wonderful time. I sometimes forget how good people can be, and how well I chose friends for the most part.
He's happy, he says. Tired, works too hard, but still content. He likes what he's doing for the most part, and he says he's calmed down quite a bit. He still helps his family out a lot. And he's going to trade school this year for carpentry. I say, bon travail!
I'm going to call him up when I am in France this year, and see if he's free when I go to Nice.

I finished "The Kite Runner" last night after my french outing. That book is excellent! I couldn't have been happier with a book, right now! I'm almost upset I finished it.
What book to read next? I'm going to try to steal "Blink" from Jesse, or the library. Peut-etre un francais roman, aussi? Who knows?! I have slews of books I want to read.

My mom's been really upset that Ido plans on moving back to Israel right now, with the whole upset over there (mostly in Lebanon, Gaza Strip, Jerusalem...). I emailed him about a week ago telling him of her concerns. He responded, tell me that he's kind of debating whether or not it'd be a good idea to go back, after all. Maybe he'll stay here!

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