Friday, June 02, 2006

Settling In Moreso

I finished my scrapbook on my semester abroad!

I have 2 part-time office jobs now.
The morning job is at North Andover Trust Corp, a finance firm. Finance. One of the classes I dreaded the most. And I'm working with it, now. God is funny. But I'm working on a direct marketing campaign, so it's not so bad. My boss, Michael P, is such a sweet old guy. It's just us 2 in the office, and you can tell he's never had anyone else in the office with him. He buys me water, Kleenex for when I'm sick, tries to cater to my every need. So nice.
The afternoon job is at Watts Regulator, a water supply firm. Mom got me a nice little job here at her workplace, only I'm in a completely different department. I'm working as a clerical gopher in the claims department. Yes, I get to touch defected water pipes. It's wonderful. Mind numbing work.

I am trying to continue my gymrat ways, but it's hard to do with work, chores, and people.

I've hermitted myself quite a bit more this summer. But I think a lot of it is due to the fact that, lately, I have been feeling:
1) a lack of interest in big groups of people
2) more interested in reading
3) too busy to bother other people
4) too tired to bother myself
It's ok, I like people, still. I'll hang out. It's just....I'm not making much of an effort.

Scott surprised me this week by coming into town. It made my week. I love that boy so much. He got really tan working at Lake Compounce, CT! And he's always more and more fit. That little boy's growing up!!! I'm verclempt.
We watched High School The Musical. We laughed the whole way through.

Going into NYC this weekend with Craig to look at a sublet I really want to use for fall semester. It's in Battery Park, in a high rise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE....
While I'm there, I'll probably be staying at Molly's. I love how when I go in for less than 36 hours, everyone wants to plan something with me. I may have to say "maybe next time". How unlike me!

I have been cleaning the house like mad. I'm trying to get rid of all of the excess junk we don't really need. It's difficult to do with our house and my lack of time. But hey! Baby steps...

I've been talking to this nice Berklee alumn online. He helped save me from a hideous internship experience via Myspace, and we have hit it off afterwards, too. It's a shame he's moving 2.5 hours away.

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